

Wednesday 4 April 2012

iTunesU Post 2

I definitely believe that this type of learning should definitely be a lot more common in class rooms all over the world today. The old style learning like a class all sitting perfectly in a row, listening to a teacher speak the whole time. That’s boring and statistics show that back in the day when this learning was the only option about 60% of the students graduated. Now a days with the new style of online learning such as blogs, twitter, facebook and much more, students that are graduating now are about 82%. That shows that this style learning is much more relevant and better for students learning. Students these days are always using their phones, laptops, anything electronically really. Instead of being that boring awful teacher standing at the front of the rom telling their students to put all that away. Why not be the teacher who says no keep it out but please do your homework through your electronics. It is more efficient and it also makes you a more influencing teacher. 

Another reason why this type of learning should be included in classrooms today is because one it helps with the environment. Having everything on the computer, there is no paper involved. It’s not only beneficial to the environment it is beneficial to the student and teacher too. This helps the student because the student is now able to access any of their work from anywhere. They can look on their phones, laptops, iPods, pretty much anything. This is beneficial for the teacher because they are not bugged by printing out papers for a whole class and carrying them around with them.
Overall I think this is a very beneficial and efficient way of teaching that should definitely be used in all classrooms all over the world. 

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