

Tuesday 10 April 2012

iTunes Blog Post Four

I believe that Universities and colleges are going on the route on online lessons for many reasons. Some advantages for doing this are well that many people can't afford school so by putting these lectures online gives these people the ability to learn without actually paying. Another advantage may be that having this online course allows people to learn and become interested in what their learning. By getting a taste of what's being taught it might encourage that person to actually go to that school for their University or college experience. By providing this online learning also gives the schools students a different way of experiencing the learning by giving visual examples and a different way of listening to explanations and such.

Having these iTunes u courses also gives the student or person the opportunity to learn what they personally want to learn. For example someone could be going to the University of Michigan for business but also wants to learn how there engineering course is like. Well That student can go to Michigan's online course and do all the learning they want about engineering. This way of learning gives a lot of freedom and that leads to positive learning for whoever wishes to learn.

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