Two lectures that I have listened too are one University of Michigan's engineering lecture and their health studies lecture. So for the engineering lecture I found it very boring. I wasn't really interested in it but I thought I would try it out anyway. The reason I thought I would try it out was because my dad did engineering at Michigan and I wanted to see what he had learnt. I found some stuff cool such as how the engineering world functioned and what kind of jobs the engineers that graduated from the university could get. Another thing I discovered was really how hard the engineering program really was. It had to do with topics I have never even heard before and I discovered that you really need to be smart in all categories to pursue engineering.

The other lecture I looked at was University of Michigan's health studies lecture. This lecture I was pretty interested and excited for because I'm really into health studies and how the body and mind function. Michigan has a pretty famous health studies program there so I knew it would be filled with a lot of cool information. I thought I was already pretty educated in how the body and mind work but I discovered their was a lot more to know. The lecture gave good visuals and gave me a really clear understanding of different topics on the body and the mind. This lecture really got me excited to pursue a career in the health studies field which is definitely an advantage of having these online lectures.
Overall I believe that these iTunes U courses are a great idea to get students excited to pursue different careers in the future.
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