

Wednesday 21 March 2012

I believe that having multiple tech skills is very also very important for every student. I think it is important because having a wide variety skills enable you to have success in many different aspects, mainly school work. Before I took this class I had a limited knowledge of tech skills but now I have been exposed to many more. Some tech skills that I had before this class were that I was able to do a proper internet search effectively and efficiently, typing was another skill that I had before this class, I am able to type efficiently and am able to type fast. I have also been exposed to how to properly use social media and security and safety. The final one I have knowledge with is finding apps and software. A few that I do knot have a lot of knowledge in is office suite skills, self learning of tech and where do I go for help, netiquette, hardware basics and troubleshooting, and finally back up data. In this course I hope to learn how really use netiquette because learning how to type professional emails and such for a professional job would be a huge advantage and look good on me having proper etiquette. Another skill I would like to gain is learning how to back up data. I would like to learn this because backing up my school work at university will be crucial. It will allow me to access my work from anywhere at anytime and I know that I will always have it saved. That helps a lot of troubles that you might have if you lose your work and such. I’m excited to learn and gain more knowledge of different tech skills.


  1. Nice! You are building a good online image based on your technology experience. Awesome netiquette. I recommend backing up your data with Google Docs or Mozy. They both offer free backup cloud services.

  2. Thanks, David for your input. I like this post, except for the fact that my ancient eyes have to strain with the red on black. Surely you can give up the school colours for the benefit of your decaying teacher...
