

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Funny Shakespeare picture for you Mr. Chesser......

Shakespeare Blog Post #3

I agree Shakespeare is  a very difficult thing to read, write and mainly understand. A lot of people were mentioning that the old style version of the way they spoke and wrote was hard to get. I definitely agree with that 100%. Some ways that I believe would help me or anyone having to work on Shakespeare plays would be to maybe re-read some of the acts or quotes that were not understood. Another way to get around this problem is that you can actually by the plays with an explanation of each act or thing being said. A third way to work around this ever growing problem that just keeps reappearing is to by first read the play Shakespearean style then re-read it with a present style explaining it and then perhaps re-read not all the play but the main parts you did not get in the Shakespearean style. This way you can really understand it what exactly is happening in your own way and in the eyes of William Shakespeare himself.  So those are some of the struggles I face and agree with other people and those are some ways I discovered to overcome certain problems you may come across while reading the hard to understand yet amazing Shakespearean plays.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Second Shakespearian Blog Post

The wikipedia searches about the main character of the Taming of the Shrew: Petruchio is pretty well said. It is not completely reliable but it will be good for finding some quick facts. The search explains his character by talking about his background, life, goals in the play and the reason why his character is included in the play. Since it is not completely reliable I will have to find other sources to do my most important research.

I believe that having multiple tech skills is very also very important for every student. I think it is important because having a wide variety skills enable you to have success in many different aspects, mainly school work. Before I took this class I had a limited knowledge of tech skills but now I have been exposed to many more. Some tech skills that I had before this class were that I was able to do a proper internet search effectively and efficiently, typing was another skill that I had before this class, I am able to type efficiently and am able to type fast. I have also been exposed to how to properly use social media and security and safety. The final one I have knowledge with is finding apps and software. A few that I do knot have a lot of knowledge in is office suite skills, self learning of tech and where do I go for help, netiquette, hardware basics and troubleshooting, and finally back up data. In this course I hope to learn how really use netiquette because learning how to type professional emails and such for a professional job would be a huge advantage and look good on me having proper etiquette. Another skill I would like to gain is learning how to back up data. I would like to learn this because backing up my school work at university will be crucial. It will allow me to access my work from anywhere at anytime and I know that I will always have it saved. That helps a lot of troubles that you might have if you lose your work and such. I’m excited to learn and gain more knowledge of different tech skills.

Saturday 10 March 2012

Shakespeare Unit: First Blog Post

In order to successfully study, research and discover different things about this play without the help of a partner I will need to form a plan and a list of different tools to aid me in finding out the all the useful information. Some tools that will help enable this could be the web, books about shakespeare, movies, asking questions to people who have had past experiences with the play, reading the actual play itself, and much more. By using all the tools at hand I will be successfully be able to locate key information about the Shakespearean play I have chosen. Some other useful things to help me discover and learn more about my play is maybe go to past or current english teachers and ask for their opinions and comments on the play. Doing this may help me get a better understanding of what exactly I'm dealing with, get a better sense of the play, and most importantly I would be able to plan how I am going to handle reading the play once I know what is going to come from it. There are also sites on the internet that are dedicated to my specific play that I can research, which will give out some good info for me to take in.  Tackling this unit by myself will definitely be a challenge but there is always room for success with the right tools at hand. Once I gather most of my information and I start to understand it better, it will definitely lead me to discovering new and exciting things. Once discovering these things it will only extend my research and understanding of the play further. In all being able to get a better understanding of the play for myself will ensure my success in understanding and being able to produce the best work possible in this Shakespeare unit. It will be a challenge but with the help of all my tools in front of me it should turn out to be a great unit.

Sunday 4 March 2012

PLN Assignment

1. PLN:  informal learning network that consists of the people a learner interacts with and derives knowledge from in a personal learning environment. 

2. Elements of a PLN: contacts, information, links to social networks

3. A PLN might give an edge over other classmates because while other students may have to research or might need connections to do a project or paper, you will have direct information and links and contacts right on your PLN.

4. Future employers might like an online portfolio because one its environmentally friendly, also they would be able to access your portfolio at any moment in time. It's a quick and easy way to get your information to the future employer.

5. I do not have an online footprint. If I did I would make it very professional. It would detail my good qualities and work qualities.

(Mr. Chesser I couldn't locate some of the information/ understand what a PLN is all about so I did the best I could.)