

Wednesday 11 April 2012

iTunes Blog Post three

Two lectures that I have listened too are one University of Michigan's engineering lecture and their health studies lecture. So for the engineering lecture I found it very boring. I wasn't really interested in it but I thought I would try it out anyway. The reason I thought I would try it out was because my dad did engineering at Michigan and I wanted to see what he had learnt. I found some stuff cool such as how the engineering world functioned and what kind of jobs the engineers that graduated from the university could get. Another thing I discovered was really how hard the engineering program really was. It had to do with topics I have never even heard before and I discovered that you really need to be smart in all categories to pursue engineering.

The other lecture I looked at was University of Michigan's health studies lecture. This lecture I was pretty interested and excited for because I'm really into health studies and how the body and mind function. Michigan has a pretty famous health studies program there so I knew it would be filled with a lot of cool information. I thought I was already pretty educated in how the body and mind work but I discovered their was a lot more to know. The lecture gave good visuals and gave me a really clear understanding of different topics on the body and the mind. This lecture really got me excited to pursue a career in the health studies field which is definitely an advantage of having these online lectures.

Overall I believe that these iTunes U courses are a great idea to get students excited to pursue different careers in the future.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

iTunes Blog Post Four

I believe that Universities and colleges are going on the route on online lessons for many reasons. Some advantages for doing this are well that many people can't afford school so by putting these lectures online gives these people the ability to learn without actually paying. Another advantage may be that having this online course allows people to learn and become interested in what their learning. By getting a taste of what's being taught it might encourage that person to actually go to that school for their University or college experience. By providing this online learning also gives the schools students a different way of experiencing the learning by giving visual examples and a different way of listening to explanations and such.

Having these iTunes u courses also gives the student or person the opportunity to learn what they personally want to learn. For example someone could be going to the University of Michigan for business but also wants to learn how there engineering course is like. Well That student can go to Michigan's online course and do all the learning they want about engineering. This way of learning gives a lot of freedom and that leads to positive learning for whoever wishes to learn.

Wednesday 4 April 2012

iTunesU Post 2

I definitely believe that this type of learning should definitely be a lot more common in class rooms all over the world today. The old style learning like a class all sitting perfectly in a row, listening to a teacher speak the whole time. That’s boring and statistics show that back in the day when this learning was the only option about 60% of the students graduated. Now a days with the new style of online learning such as blogs, twitter, facebook and much more, students that are graduating now are about 82%. That shows that this style learning is much more relevant and better for students learning. Students these days are always using their phones, laptops, anything electronically really. Instead of being that boring awful teacher standing at the front of the rom telling their students to put all that away. Why not be the teacher who says no keep it out but please do your homework through your electronics. It is more efficient and it also makes you a more influencing teacher. 

Another reason why this type of learning should be included in classrooms today is because one it helps with the environment. Having everything on the computer, there is no paper involved. It’s not only beneficial to the environment it is beneficial to the student and teacher too. This helps the student because the student is now able to access any of their work from anywhere. They can look on their phones, laptops, iPods, pretty much anything. This is beneficial for the teacher because they are not bugged by printing out papers for a whole class and carrying them around with them.
Overall I think this is a very beneficial and efficient way of teaching that should definitely be used in all classrooms all over the world. 

Tuesday 3 April 2012

itunes unit post 1

I believe that the Khan Academy is a great idea. I personally have never heard of or used the Khan Academy before but I definitely wish I would have. I think the Khan Academy is a good idea because first of all it explains the idea of whatever lesson your learning in way that is very easy to understand. What I mean by this is that it doesn’t seem like this way of teaching is directly by the book, in which some teachers do so in school and it is very hard to understand and really learn. The Khan Academy provides very good and understandable descriptions of what’s being explained along with a visual aid that makes it even easier to understand. Having a visual aid along with explanation helps a lot with some learners because me for example I can understand a lecture to a certain point but sometimes get lost. With a visual aid along with a lecture keeps me on track and also makes me able to really focus in on what’s being said if I can also see what is actually happening. 

This also is a good idea because it is explained in a sense where people can really take away good information. By saying this I mean the videos describes the lesson in a way that is right to the point and good information just in a more direct and laid back way than what I mentioned before by the book. There is a couple flaws though... obviously one you cant ask questions (or maybe you can I’m not sure I’ve never used this before), two if visual learning isn’t for you the person watching could get lost and confused. In general though I think the Khan Academy is a really good idea and if I can integrate this into my university studies next year some how I’ll definitely use it. 


Shakespeare Blog Post 4

I believe that the 1996 version is much better than the other two mainly because it is more realistic. What I mean by realistic is that even though it is not taking place in the present year it still has that present feeling to it. The characters look more like people now a days, the scenes are filled with much more colour and its overall more lively in a sense. The older versions seem very bland and out of date. So to me it would seem that the 1996 version is more appealing because it is the most recent. It uses the most recent technologies, more famous actors, and just a more well known version of watching a movie. Also having that more well known version would probably help people to understand better because they are able to base whats happening in the movie to their own lives. So that is why I think the 1996 version is more appealing and better than the other two older versions.

Wednesday 28 March 2012