

Tuesday 21 February 2012

First Assignment: Tom Wayman findings and 3 questions

Tom Wayman was born August 13th,1945 in Hawkesbury, Ontario. He studied at UBC, Colorado State University, and the University of California, Irvine. He received an M.F.A degree. Wayman has received many awards such as Canadian Authors Association medal for poetry, the A.J.M Smith Prize, and has been nominated three times for the Dorothy Livesay Poetry Prize. He taught at the University of Calgary. He writes poetry, short fiction stories, and anthologies. Some poems that he has written are "Waiting for Wayman"(1973), "For and Against the Moon" (1974), "Free Time" (1977), and much much more. Wayman enjoys writing poems a lot. Seems to be his true passion. Wayman writes some funny and weird poems at the same time, very interesting and capturing with his written work. 

3 Questions Phase:

Poem 1: Routines  (

1. For this text it seems to be about a routine day in the life of Tom Wayman. Wayman explains from the moment he arises from his sleep to the moment he falls back to sleep again. He explains how hard it is to go about his day. He talks to his body as if it were another human being. Wayman explains his daily 'struggles' as an average guy waking up, going to work, eating, going home to sleep and repeating his whole seemingly boring routine day.

2. Some feelings that this text evokes are suffering, laziness, and enthusiasm. I find the feeling suffering being shown in this because throughout the whole text all he does is complain and emphasize the struggles and challenges his body goes through during the day. I found laziness because basically this whole text highlights how lazy his body is and finally enthusiasm because although the text highlights and points out his daily struggles for his body, his mind tries to inspire his body to be more productive and successful. His mind  is very enthusiastic to his body. 

3.  Wayman accomplished questions one and two by explaining a variety of examples of certain things that affect him throughout his daily routine. He uses very good describing words to capture the reader so that they really can understand what he is going through. 

Poem 2: The Detroit State Poems: Marking (

1. For this text it seems to be about pieces of work that his students write that Wayman has to mark. It is about Wayman's personal feelings he gets as he marks different components of each piece of work. He talks about different emotions he feels. It really seems to be about how he feels for about writing but also about the people who are writing it the pieces of work. 

2. The text  emphasizes two main feelings. Those feelings are anger and remorse. Anger is present because he explains about how mad and enraged when he finds simple grammar mistakes or misplaced punctuation. He then puts all his anger and range into the page basically destroying what was written. Though after he feels remorse when his anger and rage end. He explains how he feels bad and has taken away the freed feelings that he wishes his students to write. He feels his remorse most when he sees the reaction of the eyes on his students.

3. Wayman accomplishes questions one and two by sending a strong message in his text that writing is not the only thing in the world, it is just a factor. This message is portrayed by Wayman realizing he has made a mistake by destroying the pieces of work given to him and not realizing he took away the rule he taught himself to his students. That is write your own feelings. 

Poem 3: Did I Miss Anything? (

1. This text is about the question that is always asked by students after they miss a class. 'Did I miss anything?' This text explains two points of view the teachers perspective and the students perspective. It explains how important a class is to the teacher for his students but how unimportant the class is to the students.

2. This text talks about two strong feelings. The first feeling is how the teacher tries to point out that the class means nothing to the student. This is shown by saying that the student missed nothing the class is basically pointless but then the other feeling comes in saying how important the class and that the student missed the most important thing in the world.

3. Wayman accomplishes question one and two by basically sending the message that asking 'did I miss anything?' is a ridiculous  question to ask. Of coarse the student missed something. It really shows that message by over exaggerating both points of view in the text.